Sunday, May 10, 2015

mothers day (lamoille canyon, NV)

today we did our traditional mothers day scenic drive, we headed up into Lamoille canyon in the Ruby mountain range. there are 2 or 3 campgrounds and 2 or 3 picnic areas, and a lot of hiking trail heads on this 12 mile road.

here is a Lions camp at the base of what was a glacier at one time.

got into a little of the snow left

signs said the Lamoille water shed is one of the closest to a natural state

this is called an avalanche shute

water was so clear, and the air was cold. 66 at the base of the mountain, 47 at the end of the road.

this was the end of the road (we didn't have snow shoes to continue on), there was about 3 inches of snow left on the road ways in areas, i am sure if you got on a trail there would be more.

of course i had to hike up it a bit.

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